Threadcount doesn't count

Threadcount doesn’t count!

I'm afraid to say that the vast majority of thread count claims is bunk at worst, or at best, highly, highly misleading

Thread count is the number of threads in one square inch of fabric.

When I came into the sheet business, if you had a higher thread count, it usually meant a better-quality sheet. At that time a sheet with 125 to 135 threads per inch was considered okay – and - 180 threads was luxury!! Then somebody came out with 250tc and wow! --- a big improvement!! So at that time the number of threads really meant something. It meant quality.

Soon, manufacturers realized they can charge a higher price for a higher thread count, but it's really not giving you a better-quality sheet.

Mills went overboard with super-high threadcounts, making sheets uncomfortable, heavy, rough, thick, stiff and hot.

Any day I can supply you an 800 thread count sheet that costs less to produce than a 300 thread count sheet. My mill can make 300tc sheets that cost more than 800tc!!

So thread count is really not telling you anything anymore. Here’s the first and easiest rule: If you see claims that a higher thread count is better, you don’t need to read further.

What should matter to you is how the sheet feels. What's it like when you're sleeping? Is it warm, is it cool? Heavy or light? Thick or thin?

Don't worry about thread counts. Just find the sheet that feels right for you. And that's the difference between and everybody else. We don't care about thread counts. We tell you how sheets FEEL.